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The Cape of Good Hope:
Africa's Beacon of Hope

Image by Shreekar Lathiya

The Cape.
Our home.

Located at the southern tip of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope is a region steeped in rich cultural and historical significance. Its people are a tapestry of indigenous communities, such as the Khoi Khoi and the San, alongside a diverse array of immigrants from Dutch, German, French, Malay, British, and Xhosa backgrounds who have called this place home for centuries. This fusion of cultures built the Afrikaans, a truly multicultural language influenced by Europe, Asia, and Africa.

At the heart of the province lies Cape Town, a vibrant city renowned for its iconic Table Mountain. However, there is more to the Cape than just its urban centre. The Cape Winelands region entices visitors with its rolling vineyards, historic towns, and world-class wines. Along the coast, the Garden Route captivates travelers with its lush forests and unspoiled beaches. Heading northward, the sweeping plains and rugged mountains of the Karoo add a touch of rugged beauty to the Cape’s diverse landscapes.

“Afrikaans is the language connecting Western Europe and Africa; it draws its strength from these two sources; it forms a bridge between the great lucid West and mystical Africa – the sometimes still so obscure Africa; they are both great powers, and great things can arise from their association – this is perhaps what lies ahead for Afrikaans to discover.”

Jan Rabie - Afrikaans writer

Image by Bernd M. Schell

The Cape is in crisis.

Since 1994, the communist-influenced ANC has never won a majority of the Western Cape vote. As a result of their catastrophic policies and decades of looting and theft, over 1 in 4 Western Cape citizens are unemployed, with millions of people living in shacks and poverty. Thousands of its citizens are murdered each year.

Once regarded as one of the best power companies in the world, the country’s power supplier, Eskom, is on the brink of plunging the country into grid collapse.

While the Cape is and has historically been fundamentally non-racial, the ANC has opted to impose African racial nationalism on its people, causing immense suffering for the largest group in the province, the “Cape Coloured” community, who were deemed too black under Apartheid and now too white in the so-called “democratic” era. Their racial quotas, some of the strictest in the world, strangle business growth and economic development, while unjustly robbing people of opportunities, merely for the colour of their skin.

In 2024, the ANC will likely lose their national majority and this will force them into a coalition with the extremist Economic Freedom Fighters.

'We Have Not Called For The Killing Of White People... At Least For Now'

Julius Malema - South Africa's Deputy President after 2024

Image by Marcreation

Our solution: independence

We believe that the Cape should pursue full independence from South Africa, in order for us to fully take control of our destiny, to have a government that is accountable to us and ultimately to protect ourselves from being outvoted by the rest of South Africa, which fundamentally has different values and solutions to us.


Cape independence would give us the freedom to unshackle ourselves from the constraints of the ANC.  It would give us the freedom to do away with "expropriation without compensation", "National Democratic Revolution" and many other neo-communist policies and systems. It would give us the freedom to determine where and how to spend our tax revenues, so that we can finally start to invest in our communities, rather than simply enriching a small corrupt elite. It would give us the freedom to protect and advance our unique Cape culture and protect Afrikaans. It would give us the freedom to bridge the ever-growing racial divide in the Cape. 

The first step to Cape independence, is holding a referendum, which the Western Cape is constitutionally empowered to do. Polls currently show 46% of people would vote leave in such a refere
ndum - a number which has grown each time this has been polled.

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come - and the time for Cape independence has come

"I implore you, to seize the opportunity now, for a chance to give the Coloured people not just a meaningless ballot, but real electoral power, a say in their future that matters. To give Afrikaners the possibility of a state that honours their language and culture, to Muslims, one that protects a 300 year harmony, a state that bears the marks of the best of English constitutionalism without its sinister leftward tendencies."

Robert Duigan - CYF advisor

Image by Chelsea Rutgers

A natural ally of the West.

An independent Cape would become the economic powerhouse of Southern Africa, due its tendency to support non-racial, classical liberal, free market policies. 

It has the potential to be the trade gateway to Africa, with a Western country in Africa, being an ideal destination for investors who want to invest in the continent, yet do not want to contend with all the political and regulatory problems that comes with it.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine has shown, while the ANC has aligned itself clearly with the Eastern bloc, the Western Cape government has done everything in its (limited) power to support Ukraine. As China increasingly engages in neocolonialism across Africa, an independent Cape would be an immense ally of Western values in the region.

Cape independence is as a chance to reclaim our Western identity, forge a path of self-determination, and establish a pro-Western stronghold in the face of an uncertain global order. By extending support and recognition to Cape independence, Western nations can ensure the preservation of their interests in the region, fortify their access to critical resources, and foster a beacon of liberty and progress in an increasingly tumultuous world.

"The opportunities presented as we rebuild and reorganise the political and economic order in southern Africa are tremendous. And there will be world-leading institutional entrepreneurs who emerge from this. It's only a matter of time before the cultural fragmentation of the West faces the same issues, and then we will export these skills to them."

Chris Becker - South African entreprener 

Image by Julia Fiander

The Cape Sea Route.

The Cape Sea Route, an ancient maritime passage enveloping the southernmost point of Africa, has emerged as a crucial conduit for global trade and geopolitical influence. This strategic waterway, connecting the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, serves as a vital link facilitating the exchange of goods, knowledge, and cultural heritage between continents.

With the escalating tensions between major world powers and the rise of Eastern alliances, the Cape Sea Route has taken center stage as a potential battleground for control and dominance.

To Western observers of the Cape:

Would you rather sea the Cape Sea Route be in the hands of the ANC and their puppet masters in Moscow and Beijing?

Controlled by a Western ally that is a firm defender of classical liberalism, free markets and democracy?

"Liberated from a command economy, the Cape would be free to pursue its destiny, elect its own government and hold it to account. The prospects for the Western Cape, one of the most beautiful places on earth, would be good for a simple reason: it is one of the only areas of South Africa which functions effectively – precisely because it is not administered directly by the ANC."

Darius Guppy (writing in The Spectator)

Image by Matthieu Joannon

How "Friends of the Cape" can help

We need people all over the world who believe in our values and the right to self-determination to support us in our campaign for freedom.

We need your help in lobbying your leaders and governments, especially considering international recognition and support is key to the success of any independence moveme

If you believe you can help us, sign up below as a 'Friend of the Cape' today!

“Western Cape independence impossible and unrealistic? Do not believe that for one minute. We are in Africa and in Africa anything is possible.” 

Dr. Corne Mulder MP - FF Plus Western Cape Leader

Image by redcharlie | @redcharlie1

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