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The Cape Youth Front has joined the WC Peoples Bill campaign

Here's why:

The WC Peoples Bill allows us to #TakeControl of our destiny

Since 1994, South Africa has had a government dominated by politicians indoctrinated by the ideologies of socialism and racialism. This has resulted in 3 decades of decline and the collapse of almost every aspect of governance in the country, from policing to electricity.

Unwilling to admit failure, they have gone out of their way to block attempts by municipal and provincial governments to protect their citizens from the decay. 

Since 1994, the Western Cape has repeatedly rejected these failed ideologies and has never given the African National Criminals majority support. Despite this, we're forced to experience the destruction that voters in the rest of South Africa have opted for.

The WC Peoples Bill changes that, by allowing us to #TakeControl of our destiny...

The WC Peoples Bill will bring an end to fake federalism

South Africa is considered to be a quasi-federal state - fake federalism. We have provincial governments, parliaments and premiers, but virtually all power still remains in the hands of the national government.

The WC People's Bill will take power away from the national government and restore it to the Western Cape people.

Self-determination is at the heart of the WC Peoples Bill

South Africa has signed several international charters that guarantee the right to self-determination, such as the African Charter on Human and People's Rights and the Charter of the United Nations. Self-determination is also fundamental principle of international law and is endorsed by the South African constitution.

Self-determination is a group right, that applies to all peoples. While international law is quite vague on the definitions of a "people", a key test is whether the group in question wants to be defined as a people.

According to the United Nations, self-determination can be exercised through increased autonomy/devolution, federalism and secession.

The Western Cape constitution already recognises that a "Western Cape people" exists, with the preamble of the constitution reading "We the People of the Western Cape."

The WC Peoples Bill makes it possible to exercise our right to self-determination

The purpose of the WC Peoples Bill is to officially record that the Western Cape people exist and that they want to be defined as a people, in order to exercise their right to self-determination. 

What comes next?

The WC Peoples Bill will be tabled in the Western Cape Parliament and therefore cannot be blocked by the ANC or EFF. As the DA has a provincial majority, the Bill will pass or fail depending on whether they decide to ally with those who want to empower the Western Cape or those who wish to continue to subjugate us.

If the bill passes, ​the premier can then call a provincial referendum, in accordance with the South African and Western Cape constitutions, to determine the manner in which the Western Cape should exercise its right to self-determination.

WC Peoples Bill Campaign Videos

Contact your DA MPPs now!
Tell them to back the WC Peoples Bill!

PREMIER Alan Winde

Cell number: 021 483 4705


Deidré Baartman

Cell number: 021 487 1844

Sharna Fernandez

Cell number: 021 483 3858

Wendy Kaizer-Philander

Cell number: 021 487 1845

David Maynier

Cell number: 021 483 6574

Ivan Meyer

Cell number: 021 483 3531

Beverley Schäfer

Cell number: 021 487 1746


Andricus Van der Westhuizen

Cell number: 021 487 1783


Reagen Allen

Cell number: 021 483 3871

Gillion Bosman

Cell number: 021 487 1849

Christopher Fry

Cell number: 084 701 9651

Ricardo Mackenzie

Cell number: 078 564 5341

French Mbombo

Cell number: 021 483 5417

Cayla Murray

Cell number: 021 487 1935


Isaac Sileku

Cell number: 021 487 1783


Mireille Wenger

Cell number: 021 483 4700


Derrick America

Cell number: 021 487 1848

Anton Bredell

Cell number: 021 483 3915

Tertuis Simmers (Western Cape DA leader)

Cell number: 021 483 4466


Anroux Marais

Cell number: 021 483 9800

Matlhodi Maseko

Cell number: 021 487 1748

Daylin Mitchell

Cell number: 021 487 1601


Gerrit Pretorius

Cell number: 021 487 1770
Email: Not available

Dan Plato

Cell number: 079 432 2719


Copy and paste to email all MPPs:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Template email to copy and paste:

Subject: Urgent: Support the WC Peoples Bill for a Brighter Future


Dear Members of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament,


I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you today as a concerned citizen of the Western Cape to urge your support for the WC Peoples Bill.


As we have witnessed over the past three decades, our beloved province has suffered from the detrimental effects of failed ideologies and centralized governance. It is time for us, the Western Cape people, to take control of our destiny and exercise our right to self-determination.


By voting in favor of the WC Peoples Bill, you have a unique opportunity to empower our province and restore power to the hands of its citizens. This bill acknowledges the existence of the Western Cape people and provides a pathway for exercising our right to self-determination.


I implore you to stand with those who seek to empower the Western Cape, and not those who wish to perpetuate subjugation. Let us pave the way for a brighter future for our province.


Thank you for your consideration and for your dedication to the well-being of the Western Cape. Your support for the WC Peoples Bill will be remembered as a pivotal moment in our history.


Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[A Concerned Citizen of the Western Cape]

Register your support for the WC Peoples Bill.

Read the WC Peoples Bill.

Parties that currently support the Peoples Bill: 

Join the movement.

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